

actionTypes?: ActionType[]
adaptsToFence?: boolean
allowedTiles?: TerrainType[]
alwaysInspectable?: true
asItem?: ItemType

This doodad as the item it starts from. Used in many places including repairing and getting item bonuses.

attackable?: true
blockJump?: boolean
blockLos?: boolean

Blocks line of sight when set to true with some exceptions: Plants only block line of sight when they are not seedlings, vegetative, or bare. isWall automatically sets this to true. If set to false specifically, it will overwrite the above conditions and never block line of sight. blockLos is cached/saved, so the doodad must be rebuilt to update this status.

blockMove?: boolean
burnsLike?: ItemType[]
canBreak?: boolean
canGrow?: boolean
canGrowInCaves?: boolean
canTrampleWhenMature?: boolean
causesStatus?: (StatusType | [status: StatusType, level: number])[]
chopPickUp?: ILootItem[]

The "Chop" action works to pick up these doodads as well as "gather with hands".

civilizationScore?: number

The amount of civilization score to give when building this.

containedItemGroupProvidesSkill?: IProvidesSkill

Item groups of this type in the container will provide skill bonuses to adjacent players.

containedItemsContributeToCivilizationScore?: boolean
containerOptions?: IContainerOptions

If this is a doodad/item container, you can set this to true to make the doodad/item considered one where you can only "place items onto" the doodad/item, rather than storing the items within the doodad/item.

  • Changes messages when putting items in the container to "placed onto" via placedOnToMessage
  • Prevents using the item as a container when in your inventory via preventUsingItemAsContainerInInventory
  • Prevents picking up the doodad when items are inside via preventPickingUpDoodadWhenItemsAreInside
damage?: number
decayMax?: number

number of game ticks until decay

decayTemperatureRange?: IDecayTemperatureRange
disableDrop?: boolean
displayDoodad?: SupplierOr<undefined | DisplayableDoodadType, [default]>

The doodad type to display instead of the describe doodad type.

doorToggled?: DoodadType
durability?: number

Mostly used for canGrow doodads

gather?: IDoodadLoot
gatherCanHurtHands?: boolean
gatherSkillUse?: SkillType
getRandomNameOnTemplateSpawn?: ((doodad: default) => undefined | default)

Type declaration

    • (doodad: default): undefined | default
    • Called when the doodad is built via templates


      Name to set the doodad to or undefined to not name it.


      Returns undefined | default

graphicVariation?: boolean
group?: DoodadTypeGroup[]
growsIntoTerrain?: TerrainType

After the plant is fully grown, it morphs into this terrain type.

growthParticles?: IDoodadParticles
harvest?: IDoodadLoot
imageCount?: number

The number of alternate textures that this image has. Not supported for most things.

imagePath?: string

A replacement image to use. Used in modding.

isAnimated?: boolean | ISpriteAnimation
isClosed?: boolean
isDoor?: boolean
isFence?: boolean
isFlammable?: boolean
isGate?: boolean
isIslandPort?: boolean
isTall?: boolean
isTrap?: boolean
isTree?: boolean
isVehicle?: boolean
isWall?: boolean
isWaterSource?: boolean
itemStackOffsetY?: number | ((doodad: default) => undefined | number)

The Y offset for the entire item stack.

itemStackRegion?: IItemStackRegion | ((doodad: default) => undefined | IItemStackRegion)

The region where items are stacked. The default region is { xMin: 0, xMax: 0, yMin: 1, yMax: 1 } Max should always be greater than min and values should be within [0, 1]

leftOver?: DoodadType

When gathered completely, convert to a new DoodadType

lightColor?: IRGB
lockedChest?: ILockedChest
magicInert?: true

Whether magical properties have no effect on this doodad.

meltFromItem?: ItemType

Item that defines the decay amount when this doodad is melting.

meltsInto?: TileEventType[]

Array of tile events that are spawned when doodad (or things connected to the doodad) melts.

minePickUp?: ILootItem[]

The "Mine" action works to pick up these doodads as well as "gather with hands".

Do not provide or modify this value, only reference it. This is set by the modding system during the process of registration.

moveIntoAction?: ActionType
openContainerAction?: ActionType
particles?: IRGB
pickUp?: ItemType[]

Works with "PickUpDoodad" action, typically used for doodads that you can "build" like walls, furnaces, etc.

preservationChance?: number

Chance that things will decay inside it

providesFire?: boolean
providesLight?: number
reduceDurabilityOnGather?: boolean
renderAsSprite?: boolean | Partial<{
    renderContainedItems?: boolean;
    renderOffsetX: number | {
        base: number;
        discretionary: ((doodad: default) => number);
    renderOffsetY: number | {
        base: number;
        discretionary: ((doodad: default) => number);
    rows: number;

Use SpriteBatch to render the doodad instead of tile based rendering

revert?: DoodadType
skillUse?: SkillType
spawnOnTerrain?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, TerrainType[]>
spawnOnWorldGen?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, OptionalDescriptions<WorldZ, OptionalDescriptions<TerrainType, number>>>
spreadMax?: number
storeDecay?: boolean

Set to true if we want to store decay, but not have it active (in the case of torches)

subTypes?: DoodadTypeExtra[]
tabAction?: ActionType
temperature?: number

The produced temperature of this object — objects whose temperature affects surrounding objects. A number between Temperature.Coldest and Temperature.Hottest. When not provided, Temperature.Neutral is used.

tier?: OptionalDescriptions<DoodadTypeGroup, number>
tileLayerType?: TileLayerType
tileOverLayerType?: TileLayerType
trapDamage?: number
useRendererAdapter?: "Door"

Allows overiding the adapter

usesSpores?: boolean
waterPurificationTurns?: number

The amount of turns it takes to purify the water.

waterStill?: boolean
weightCapacity?: number

container maximum weight


  • Parameters

    • island: default
    • tile: default
    • doodad: undefined | default
    • existingVariationX: number
    • existingVariationY: number

    Returns undefined | [number, number]

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